Just several months ago in January Tesla unveiled its 3rd generation wall connector. People that were already utilizing the 2nd generation are likely somewhat familiar with these products and everything that they have to offer the modern homeowner. In fact if you are currently utilizing a 2nd generation wall connector you might find yourself wondering why people are making the costly upgrade to the 3rd generation. Dont they pretty much do the same thing? Isnt this just a beefed-up model on the previous generation? Well lets take a look. Know Whats Different There is no denying that there are some major differences between the 2nd and 3rd generation wall connectors. However it will be knowing these changes and determining whether or not if you can benefit from them that will help you determine if the upgrade is worth the extra splurge. In order to do just this youll need to know and understand the differences between the two devices. Appearance Youd be surprised at how different these two devices look. Most manufacturers usually keep similar appearances when upgrading devices like this but it looks like Tesla took an entirely different approach. The Gen 3 EV has a fresh new look with a glass front and a beautiful pristine white background. The brand name is still splayed across the front of the product in noticeable font and color. Another major difference is the color pattern. The 2nd generation comes available in plastic silver or black while the 3rd Gen is glass and white. The Power While color and appearance is just a formality it is the power that users need to be more concerned with. That being said most people are shocked to learn that the 2nd Gen actually offers more power delivering a potential of 80 amps to your electrical car. The Gen 3 is unfortunately limited to only 48 amps. However it should be noted that there are currently no electrical car designs available that are capable of operating at over 48 amps. In addition to this the lower the amps the less heat production which means the 3rd Gen device will operate cooler while saving itself on wear and tear as well as heat exposure. This is why most electricians today will tell you that the 2nd Gen had overheating problems. In fact this is probably the very reason that Tesla introduced the 3rd Gen on the market. Cable Length Not only does the 2nd Gen offer more power but it offers more freedom with 24 feet of cable. However dont just throw the 3rd Gen out the window just yet because it still offers 18 feet of electrical cord freedom which might not be enough for some situations. Cable Size Given that the 2nd Gen offers more power it probably doesnt come as a surprise to learn that the wire is also thicker The 3rd Gen offers a sleeker thinner more convenient wire size design thatll make life all-around much easier. Easier to handle and manage! Wi-Fi Features If you are a tech-savvy individual youll be more than excited to learn that the 3rd Gen now offers Wi-Fi connectivity. Users can connect their power cable to their smartphones via Wi-Fi. That being said there have been some known reported problems with the app. Some users say they are having problems connecting or staying connected while others are using the device flawlessly. This could have something to do with the local Internet providers but this is yet to be determined. Regardless Wi-Fi connectivity means that youll be able to update the device in the future. Sharing The Load The former 2nd Gen unit while much more powerful only offers a maximum of 4 connections. This certainly isnt the case with the 3rd Gen. This bad boy offers up to a total of 16 connections. And they are wireless which only makes things all that more convenient. The Cost Given the comparison of the features and power youd think that the 2nd Gen would come with a higher price tag. This is not the case at all. They both value at right around $500. It is safe to assume that the power limitation of the 3rd Gen is what contributed most to this lower price. Not only this but the shorter and thinner electrical cable are likely other factors that played a role. In fact the only area where the 3rd excels and the 2nd fails is in connections and heat production. The 3rd gen offers a total of 16 connections at once and operates at a much cooler temp which can contribute to a longer lifespan. this post first appeared on Hamp;A Long Island Electrician at https://toplongislandelectrician.com/long-island-electrician/comparing-the-tesla-wall-connector-gen-2-and-gen-3/